Fa Saturday 7 Oct 2023
Iranian Offshore OIl Company


Main ongoing Projects at Kharg Island :


Gathering associated gases of Kharg and Bahregan Districts that includes Hendijan, Bahregansar, Soroosh, and Nowruz gas complexes from Bahregan Fields which are transferred to Kharg together with Aboozar oilfield and also gases from Dorood Field and Foroozan Field is processed in the NGL plant. That includes two units with a total capacity of 660 million cubic feet per day. From this gas plant, about 45,000 barrels of NGL is produced. The processed gas is partly for the Methanol Plant feed, and the rest is used to supply the gas needed for gas injection purpose. Industrial and non-industrial waste water treatment plants. .

Main ongoing Projects at Kharg Island :
  Foroozan Field :
  Foroozan Field :


This field is located 100 kilometers, southeast of Kharg Island. Foroozan Field has 53 wells and is common with Marjan Field of Suadi Arabia.

The oil of this field is transferred to the onshore installations via 20-inch offshore pipeline for production and storage. The renovating project of this field recently was awarded to an Iranian contractor.

  Dorood Field :


This field is located under Kharg island and its surrounding waters. It includes offshore and onshore facilities which are known as Dorood 1 & 2. The oil production of this field started in 1964 by the drilling of 18 offshore and 24 onshore wells.

Today this field has 53 wells and produces 140,000 bbl/day.

Considering the cumulative production and pressure decline of the Dorood field, an EOR/IOR Project was implemented recently, called Dorood 3 for injecting 120 mmscf/day gas and 250.000 bbls/day sea water for pressure maintenance and improving recovery factor.

  Dorood Field :
  Aboozar Field :
  Aboozar Field :

This field is located 76 kilometers, southwest of Kharg Island. The daily production of this field is 140,000 barrels of oil from near 90 wells. The oil is transferred to Kharg Island through a 24-inch pipeline.

The reconstruction in this field, ruined during the Imposed War, was the biggest reconstruction work in offshore by Iranian Contractors.

This project showed the capability of Iranian general contractors in offshore construction.

Geographical Information


This island is located at 29˚ 15’ N and 50˚ 20’E, 57 Km northwest of Bushehr.

This island is some 8 kilometers in length and 4 to 5 kilometers in width. Kharg Island is hot and humid. In the warmest month of the year (August), the temperature is 39 degrees centigrade and in the coldest month (December) it is about 10 degrees centigrade. The maximum humidity of this island is 72 percent (December) and the minimum is 56 percent (May). Snowing has never happened in this district but hail has occasionally been seen.

In the surrounding of this island the sea animals such as shrimps, various sharks, dolphins, turtles, crabs, and various types of fish. The sea animals that surround this island are shrimp, various sharks, turtles crabs and various types of fish.

Geographical Information
Kharg Island
Kharg Island

Kharg Island is situated 57 kilometers, northwest of Bushehr. This island is 8 kilometers in length and 4 to 5 kilometers in width.

This District now has a daily production of 320,000 barrels from Dorood, Aboozar, and Foroozan Oilfields. .

Kharg Coral Island

Coral Kharg Island is about 32 kilometers square. Geologists believe that it is one million years old.

Alireza Moteali
Head of Kharg District
Alireza Moteali
Contact IOOC Co. +982123942000