National Iranian Oil Company

Privacy And Terms

Privacy And Terms
Privacy And Terms

Privacy Statement
In the Privacy Statement, we describe what information we collect from you, how we use and protect the information you provide to us when you visit this website.
We guarantee your privacy. If you ask us for information that discloses your identity (in order to provide services or your satisfaction with our performance) while using this website, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with the principles set out in this statement.
We have used a variety of advanced tools and facilities to protect information against criminal acts or unforeseen events or incidents that are not attributable to or the result of our actions.
Changes to this document may be made in the future. You can find out about changes to our privacy statement by visiting this page.

Website content
National Iranian Oil Company has a main portal and a number of sub-portals related to its various units and services. This information is made available to the public by experts. In some parts of this space, an electronic system or service may be provided in which individuals' personal information will be protected.

Information security
We are committed to ensuring the security of your information. We will use all necessary means to prevent any unauthorized access and disclosure of your information in order to maintain the security of the information we collect online.

Links to other sites
Our site may link to other sites. When you leave our site through these links, please note that we have no control over other sites. You should refer to their privacy statement about these sites.

Control your personal information
We will not share your personal information with third parties in any way, unless we receive a warrant from the judiciary.

Contact IOOC Co. +98212394-NIOC